BHS Media Statement
The Buderim Historical Society has received a National Library Community Heritage Grant of $16,000
to engage an expert conservator.
The conservator will assist the Society to identify significant objects in the collection requiring
conservation. Mentoring and training will also be provided for the Society’s volunteers in both
preservation and conservation techniques.
The National Library Community Heritage Program provides community organisations with funding
to assist with the preservation of locally owned, but nationally significant collections.
The Buderim Historical Society’s collection includes items that illustrate Buderim’s nationally
significant role in sugar, coffee and ginger production and manufacturing.
Society President Kevin Briggs thanked the National Library of Australia for the community heritage
grant. “It will enable the Society to preserve significant items in the collection from the effects of heat,
humidity and light in Buderim’s subtropical climate, ensuring that they will be available to future generations”.

Image of a significant item in the Buderim Historical Society collection – Cast iron evaporation pan
from Buderim’s first sugar mill, opened in 1876. Image Geoff Baker 2024
BHS window display at the Buderim Old Post Office in November, promoting new membership and Devonshire Teas at the Pioneer Cottage
Kevin Briggs, President, Buderim Historical Society proudly displaying the grant from the Buderim Foundation which will enable
us to purchase an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for use in a medical emergency. The defibrillator will be located in a
prominent position in Vise House and is designed to be operated with self-explanatory voice guidance.
Sunshine Coast Museum and Heritage Achievement Awards 2024
The recipients of this award were announced at the recent visit to Kenilworth Museum arranged by Sunshine Coast Council Heritage.
The winners were:
- Janet Baker – Buderim Historical Society
- Lenore Meldrum – Kenilworth Museum.
Congratulations to both recipients.
In 2023, the work undertaken by Janet with the photographic collection was recognised when she was formally appointed to the role
of Photographic Collection Curator. In undertaking her volunteer contribution to BHS, she has demonstrated expertise in project management,
compiling documents such as written reports and presentations, including Guidelines for the Preservation and Management of the
BHS Photographic Collection. Her support and commitment to BHS management, support for our volunteers, and the assistance given to
community organisations by providing high quality photographic resources and historical information for celebratory programs is exemplary.
Well done!
Mother’s Day Raffle Draw & Winner
- (10 May 2024)
Our President Kevin Briggs with Lorraine Buhk drawing the lucky winner of our Mother’s Day raffle, Maxina Williams.
Congratulations Maxina!
Second prize was won by Noel Williams, while Graham Innes won third prize. We hope you all enjoy your prizes and a big ‘Thank you’ to all who supported our raffle.
2024 BHS ANZAC Display (20-27 April) Click here to see it
2023 BHS Open Garden (Sat/Sun 14/15 October) a popular success Click here to see it
The Buderim Historical Society is housed at the Pioneer Cottage (built 1882), in Pioneer Crescent (formerly Ballinger Crescent) Buderim and only a 5 minute walk from the Information Centre at the Old Post Office Buderim.
The Society collects and protects the history of Buderim to share with all ages.
Interesting and informative History Talks are conducted on the first Saturday of every third month starting in March.
The Pioneer Cottage provides an excellent venue, as the Buderim History Museum for school groups that are studying local history as part of their curriculum.
We still need more Visitor Guide volunteers to enable Pioneer Cottage to stay open to the public for six days a week. Please contact BHS if you are able to assist.
Hours: 11:00am-3:00pm Monday – Saturday (closed Sundays and Public Holidays)
Cost: Adults $5 Children $1
Telephone: (07) 5450 1966
Wheelchair Access and Toilet available, Disabled Parking area behind the Cottage
If travelling to us by Bus the stop is on Ballinger Rd near Ballinger Ct, Buderim. From the Bus stop, cross the road and take the first street on the right hand side (Pioneer Cres) to proceed to Pioneer Cottage.